Friends of Trinity River Refuge
Committed to Preserving and Enhancing
Trinity River Wildlife Refuge
FOTRR Board, Membership, and Volunteers
Get involved! Come help us grow our organization!
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Membership to FOTRR
Click on Button to download Membership Form
FOTRR Membership
Please complete and return with your check
_____New ____Renewal
Name(s) _________________________________
City___________________ State___ Zip _______
Phone ___________________________________
Email: __________________________________
_______Regular Membership $30 _______Family Membership $50
_______Sustaining Membership $100 _______Corporate Membership $200
Please indicate addition support and interests:
_____Additional donation of _____________________
_____Serving on the FOTRR Board
_____Champion Lake Lodge Renovation Committee
_____FOTRR Environmental Education Committee
_____FOTRR Workdays
_____TRNWR Volunteer (we will put you in contact with refuge staff)
Thank you for your support of the FOTRR!